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Showing posts from December, 2012

If only I could apparate!

Let’s face it, I hate Harry Potter. But the past 24 hour of zombie like travelling has made me yearn for a concept found only in the world of Harry Potter, and that is the concept of apparation. (In other news, I finally found out how Scott Adams gets his weird ideas.) Let me give a summary of the last 24 hours. I'm currently at Frankfurt airport, and I'm sure that this blog post will not be published until I reach home; but I'm writing it anyway, so that the flavour is not diluted by the happiness of being at home. Travelling is tedious. I woke up at around 07:00 EST, reached the bus stop in Ithaca at around 09:15. The bus arrived shortly after, but some 6 idiots passengers forgot to give the driver their tickets. This meant that the driver counted the tickets three times over, in his painfully slow 60s-something grandpa style, after which he declared that he would not move the bus until the tickets had been submitted. Result: bus supposed to start off at 09:40 starte

Fall 2012: A semester in review

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. It was a a semester of foolishness, it was a semester of wisdom; of incredulity, of belief; of light and of darkness; of hope and of despair. Here's a review of what happened in the last 4 months. I moved to the US of A. I started a PhD at Cornell University. I lost a friend to cancer. He was 22. I made many new friends. I'm convinced that +Nishant Totla is the singularly most annoying person in the world. Apple sucks. The Settlers of Catan rocks. I entered a complicated relationship with a commitment of at least 4 years, if I'm lucky; 7 if I'm not. I found an advisor. He has a certificate of excellence in his office, "for successfully intimidating the most students of the ECE batch of '05." I started work on a project towards my PhD. Two people I know were involved in near fatal car accidents, one on the east coast, and one on the west. Just means that we've got to be really careful, as